Open Mind (Kink Chronicles Book 1) Read online

Page 4

  “Yup, you can do that. No problem, Sam. You just take a minute then go out and get them while I go let the doc know we’re just waiting on that, okay?”

  Sam finally looked him straight in the eyes. A silent thank you was written all over his face.

  Jamie left Sam after making sure he had calmed down and went to the front desk to catch his breath. He found Natalie still smiling as she tapped on the keys of her keyboard. When she looked up, Jamie knew she’d seen the sadness he couldn’t hide when the smile left her face.

  Natalie’s serious expression caught him off guard. Jamie couldn’t remember ever not seeing her bright, bubbly smile since he started.

  “I’m such an asshole.”

  Natalie tilted her head questioningly. “Why are you an asshole?”

  “Because when I saw him, I was sure from his size that he was a Dom and that when he wrote he was attacked that it was just a mugging. Honestly, the thought of someone his size being an abuse victim never entered my mind. He’s this big guy with a fierce scowl and there was no way someone could hurt him.”

  “Yeah, that was a dick move.”

  Jamie startled out an awkward chuckle. “What happened to the sweet, bubbly receptionist?”

  Natalie smiled. “The important thing, Jamie, is that you realized on your own that you were wrong in stereotyping him. You may have judged him, but you never voiced it. You waited to have more information. Remember, sweet, bubbly receptionists are like Sam in there. We aren’t what we appear to be.” She winked and shooed him away. “Now, go talk to Dr. Kink about your patient and leave me to my work.”

  Jamie couldn’t help but wonder who Natalie was when she went home at night, her or anyone else he’d ever met. He was starting to realize there was much more to that answer than he’d ever thought possible before working at Dr. Kink’s office.

  Jamie found Dr. Kincaid in his office, concentrating on writing notes in a patient’s chart. Even with the doctor's downcast eyes, Jamie could feel his nerves lighting up, making his belly feel all fluttery and his heart ticked up a beat.

  Jamie’s lust and nerves battled over who got top spot. He didn’t want to know how upset Dr. Kincaid would be when Jamie confessed he’d stereotyped Sam, and how wrong he’d been.

  Ronan would be disappointed in him. Jamie hated not being the best at his job, or really anything he’d set his mind to, but being a failure to Dr. Kincaid was, somehow, more upsetting than anything else. Jamie worried about not living up to the expectations the man held for his staff, for Jamie, when it came to his patients.

  “I can hear your wheels turning from over here, Jamie,” Dr. Kincaid said, a smile in his voice, startling Jamie from his thoughts. The man, dressed in a dark suit sans coat, hadn’t even looked up from his notes when he’d addressed him. “Is our first patient here?”

  “Yes, Dr. Kincaid. Sam Goodwin. We’re just waiting for him to run out to his car for the hospital records.”

  Ronan’s head snapped up. “Hospital?”

  “Yes, sir. Sam was abused and beaten by his Dom. He’s a bit quiet, and clearly struggling with what he went through, but he’s here for a follow-up after his release from an out-of-state hospital two weeks ago.”

  Ronan stood, grabbing his white lab coat off the coat hanger in the corner of the room and pulling it on. “I’ll go see him right now then. No need to make him wait after all he’s been through.” His accent grew thicker with emotion.

  Jamie paused, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat and casting his eyes anywhere but at Dr. Kincaid. “I should tell you that I…I made some assumptions about him. Sam. I was wrong, and I freely admit that, but I did. He’s…he’s a big guy and I thought he’s clearly a Dom with that build and…that it was just a mugging and the idea that he could’ve been abused never even entered my head because he’s big and...and it was a crappy thing for me to do and I’m—" Jamie’s breath hitched as Ronan’s hand came down on his shoulder, squeezing. He’d been rambling and avoiding looking at him in hopes he would get the words out easier, so he hadn’t noticed him approach.

  “Breathe, Jamie.” Jamie nodded at Ronan and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. “We all make mistakes. Did you voice this to the patient?”

  Taken aback by the question, Jamie looked up at Dr. Kincaid and was caught in his brown eyes. “I…I would never.”

  “I didn’t think you would. You’re a good nurse, Jamie.” Dr. Kincaid’s voice was calm.

  He could feel the warmth of that praise spread through his belly as heat grew between them. It wasn’t until that moment Jamie realized how close they were. Close enough to feel Ronan's warm breath ghost over his face. He could feel the blush crawl along his neck and up to his cheeks. He could feel each pounding beat of his heart as Dr. Kincaid’s eyes went from consoling to molten in seconds, and the hold he had on Jamie’s shoulder tightened.

  Jamie tried to talk, his mouth opening and closing. He stammered out a, “I…I…” before Dr. Kincaid stepped back. It was slow, like he was tearing himself away from Jamie. His hand was still on Jamie’s shoulder, the heat of it coursing down his arm, making his hand twitch with the need to do…something, anything. But then that was gone too. Jamie stood there, eyes still locked with Dr. Kincaid’s, feeling the emptiness around him, feeling the need to step toward Ronan again.

  Ronan must’ve seen something in Jamie’s eyes because he subtly shook his head, and all thought of moving forward, of acting on that impulse, stopped.

  “Thank you for being honest, Jamie. That, above all else, tells me you are still learning and, more importantly, want to learn about the people who live this lifestyle. That makes you a great nurse.” Dr. Kincaid smiled at him. “We have an early day today. Why don’t you take off around three today, okay?”

  “Oh, I can do that. Thank you.”

  Dr. Kincaid brushed past him, speaking over his shoulder as he said, “Now, I’m going to go see Sam. You go get ready for our next patient.”

  And just like that, whatever it was between them was broken, and Jamie felt shaken from the experience.

  It wasn’t even nine in the morning, and he was already looking forward to going home, locking his bedroom door, and using a toy or two to relieve himself as he thought of Ronan.


  Ronan’s office staff had left an hour prior. He’d had time to wrap up any business that needed tending to and ready exam room one for his first after-hours visitors of the evening. Most Fridays, he shut down the office at three in the afternoon, but several other times a month, he’d schedule visitors after regular business hours were over. However, his regulars were nearly always scheduled for Fridays, leaving ad hoc days for those who were curious but not yet regulars.

  Donning his lab coat just in time to answer the front doorbell he’d had installed specifically for nights like this, he greeted Geoff and his sweet submissive Misha. “Geoff.” He shook the Dom’s hand and dragged him into a quick hug. “How are you doing?”

  “Doing well, Ronan, thanks. You?”

  “Good, good. Glad you’re both here.”

  Turning to Misha, Ronan smiled and opened his arms. “Hello, sweet boy, how are you?”

  Misha blushed but happily stepped into his hug. “I’m good, Dr. Kincaid. Thank you for asking.”

  He smiled down at him. “I’ve been looking forward to tonight. How about you?”

  Misha’s blush grew deeper as he nodded. “Me too. I always love our scenes with you.”

  Geoff patted the young man’s bottom and said, “Are you ready to begin, boy?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “What are your safewords?”

  “Red, yellow, and green, Sir.”

  “Good boy. Check in, please.”

  “Green, Sir.”

  Geoff nodded, looking serious. “Good. Once we enter the exam room, the scene has begun. You may use your safewords anytime. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Ronan walked th
em toward the room he’d readied, ushered them in, and shut the door to start the scene. “What brings you here today, Mr. O’Connor?”

  “As you know, I host several Russian foreign exchange students in my home while they attend the local university. This boy is my current exchange student, and I fear he’s fallen in with a bad crowd. He comes home late, drunk and belligerent, calling me a fag, a homo, and a fairy. His grades are going downhill, and I believe he’s been doing drugs. On top of all that, I’ve caught him watching me when I’m showering or in my bedroom. I’d like you to give him a drug test and a physical.”

  “Yes, of course. You’ve come to the right place. Let’s start by having him provide us with a urine sample.”

  He handed Misha the urine sample cup. “Can I go to the bathr—”

  Both men said, “No,” at the same time, standing facing the boy, arms crossed over their chests.

  Misha huffed and unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. He reached into the fly of his boxer briefs and pulled out his flaccid cock, peeing quickly into the cup, a blush on his face. He screwed the cap back on and handed it to Ronan, who put it down on the little metal tray he’d set up next to his rolling chair.

  “Get undressed, completely.”

  “But, don’t you have a gown, or—”

  Again, both Geoff and Ronan said, “No.”

  Misha undressed in a huff, growling softly in his throat. “This is bullshit.”

  At that, Geoff approached the now naked Misha, and in his deepest, most threatening voice, said, “Don’t you dare disrespect me, and especially not Dr. Kincaid. I will ship you back home to your parents so fast your head will spin. Is that understood?”

  Misha grated out, “Yes.”

  The angry look Misha gave Geoff impressed Ronan. The boy was fully committed to his role. Ronan approached Misha and cleared his throat as he pulled on a pair of latex gloves with a snap. Misha jumped and tried to back up but found he couldn’t when he bumped into Geoff’s chest. Ronan approached and said, “Spread your legs wide. I’m going to carry out both a testicular exam and a hernia exam.”

  He told Misha to turn his head and cough, and under his examining fingers, the boy’s cock began to plump a little. Glancing at Geoff, he asked, “Do you mind if I try something a little out of the ordinary to test a theory?”

  Geoff nodded. “Be my guest.”

  Ronan sat and rolled his chair over to the computer, opened a web browser, and typed in a web address he knew quite well. He turned the monitor toward Misha, and Geoff and Ronan watched as his eyes popped wide and he gasped. His cock started plumping up even more as he witnessed two men fucking hard and fast on camera. He covered his cock up with his hands and looked at the wall.

  “I think the boy doth protest too much. It appears that visual stimuli suggests your student is just as gay as you are, Mr. O’Connor. Would you like me to continue with my physical exam?”

  Geoff nodded and allowed a disappointed look to cross his face.

  Ronan continued, “I agree that you need to know what type of students you have living in your home. You need to be able to trust what they tell you is the truth.”

  Geoff nodded and made an affirmative noise in the back of his throat. Ronan gazed over at the blushing, embarrassed-looking boy. “Please sit down on the exam table and lay back. Lift your feet into the stirrups.”

  “No.” Misha crossed his arms over his chest, trying his best to look intimidating but only managing to look naked and pitiful.

  “Geoff took you into his home for a year, and you’ve done nothing but fuck it up from the beginning. This could be the difference between staying here and finishing out your time or flying back home to Russia. What will it be, boy?”

  Misha nodded, and the forced tears welling up in his eyes impressed Ronan. He watched as Misha climbed onto the table, deeply entrenched in his role-playing persona. “Yes, I understand.” He gazed imploringly over at Geoff and whispered, “Please, Sir. I’ll do better. No more drinking and no more disrespect. I haven’t been doing drugs. I promise the test will prove that.”

  Geoff shook his head. “I’m sorry, Misha, but your words obviously cannot be trusted. We’ll have to continue with the testing.”

  Misha let one lone tear fall down the side of his face as he lay back and lifted both legs into the stirrups. Damn, Ronan loved playing with these men. “I’m going to touch you now, Misha. I’ll be performing a prostate exam, and then just a few other minor tests, and we’ll be done here.”

  Misha’s voice was soft, subdued. “Okay.”

  Ronan gazed over at Geoff, whispering, “He’s beautiful, Geoff. A bit shyer than the boys you usually entertain, but the denial is charming. Let’s see if he’s a good fit for your needs, shall we?”

  Geoff chuckled darkly, and Ronan’s face grew serious when he heard a gasp from Misha as if he was shocked and outraged over their little tête-à-tête. Ronan tsked and shook his head. “Hush now, Misha. You’ve gotten yourself into this mess. Let’s continue, shall we?”

  Another lone tear slid down Misha’s cheek, and Ronan reveled in satisfaction from the scared look on his face as he reached down and pumped some lubricant on his finger. He rubbed it softly over the boy’s puckered hole and went back for more. “Relax now and open up for me.”

  When Misha relaxed his sphincter, Ronan slid his finger in, curling it upward. He felt around for the sponginess of the prostate, and Misha gasped and moaned. Geoff said, “He’s enjoying that, isn’t he, Doctor?”

  Ronan nodded, giving Misha's prostate a few more gentle taps. “Oh yeah. But let’s not end this too soon. Let’s finish up the exam.”

  He pulled his finger out of the boy’s tight hole and moved on up to his heavy, fit-to-bursting ball sac. The skin was already starting to wrinkle up tighter as his cock filled and hardened even more.

  Geoff’s boy had a hair-trigger cock, and he was able to come multiple times in a scene. The premature ejaculation was something they were both working hard to prevent.

  Every scene they had, Ronan was happy to see they’d been working hard. Misha was able to hold his orgasms much longer than he’d been able to when they’d first started visiting him after hours. His recovery period was still something quite impressive. He was still able to come more than once, but he now lasted much longer before shooting off.

  Ronan looked up at Geoff as he tugged down on the boy’s sac, and both their brows rose at the quiet whimper Misha let escape. His face was beet red, and his eyes squeezed tightly shut. “His responses are healthy. See the pre-ejaculate on his lower abdomen?”

  Geoff nodded, and as Ronan spoke, he trailed a gloved finger slowly up Misha’s sac and continued on, lightly drawing it up the now weeping cock. Clasping the boy’s cock just below its head in a firm grip, he pointed it straight up to the ceiling and slowly pulled the foreskin back. Misha’s soft gasp was music to his ears. He tightened his grip and slid his hand back down Misha’s shaft and then back up again, enjoying that sweet whimper.

  Pre-ejaculate slipped over the side of his slit, and Ronan touched it with the finger of his other hand and slowly raised it up. Both men stared, mesmerized, as the clear, shimmery liquid clung to Ronan’s finger and Misha’s cockhead, a long, thin line connecting the two. “The elasticity of his pre-ejaculate is healthy, as is his physiological response.”

  Ronan squeezed Misha’s shaft harder and another thick drop appeared on the slit. He lowered his hand back down, pushing his finger into the slit. Misha groaned and tried to grab on to the table but only managed to squeeze the exam table paper in his fists, the crinkle and crackle of it loud in the otherwise quiet room. Ronan trailed his finger around the head of his cock, spreading the slick liquid around and around and around the cockhead until Misha was shaking under him, the table creaking with it.

  While Ronan sustained his finger’s ministrations on Misha’s cockhead, his other hand continued to grip the shaft tightly down at its base and began to tug up on it, repeatedly. The ov
erstimulation was more than he could handle, as a near shout escaped, and his hips lifted off the table. Ronan looked over and met Geoff’s lust filled gaze. “I need you to move directly to the opposite side of the exam table, quickly.”

  Geoff nodded his head and got moving.

  “We need to capture a sample of his body’s response to stimuli, and I think it’s best for you to participate. I’m going to grab and squeeze his testicles, tilt his aroused penis down, and continue my ministrations. It’s important that you help me continue to massage the pre-ejaculate around his glans. Watch him closely now. You should be able to see when it’s going to happen and capture as much of his emission as you can in your other hand.”

  They both gazed at the boy, his head thrown back in ecstasy, his hips pumping in time to Ronan’s tugs. When he gasped and let out a moan, Geoff was there, capturing every last drop of Misha’s come in the palm of his hand.

  “That’s good, Geoff. Let me grab a cotton swab so that I may administer some testing of his semen.” Ronan got his sample, and they both glanced at Misha as he raised himself up on an elbow, looked at the semen spattered all over Geoff’s palm, and licked his lips.

  “Look at the hunger in his eyes. Feed the boy his own seed. He seems to be thirsting for it.”

  Misha bit his lip and looked at Geoff, who clasped the boy’s head and drew him up, holding his palm to Misha’s lips. Both men watched, rapt, as he greedily licked and sucked every last drop he could get. When it wasn’t enough, Misha reached up to grip Geoff’s hand and sucked each finger clean. Ronan heard Geoff mutter, “Fuck, boy,” and he couldn’t agree more.

  Misha collapsed back against the table, out of breath and looking sated.

  “I believe, after today, you’ll see a whole other side of your young student here,” Ronan said to Geoff. “My guess, is he’ll be very accommodating going forward and follow your rules to the letter. Is that good enough for you, or is he going to have to find other accommodations?”

  Misha gasped. “No, please! Please, Sir! No more drinking, no more disobedience, and no more disrespect. I won’t! I swear it. And I’ve never… I haven’t ever had sexual intercourse. I don’t know why I was watching you. I was confused.”